Pre-Season 3, Episode 4 of 4


Pre-Season 3, Episode 4 of 4

Total run time: 30-minutes
Created: January 13, 2004
Debut: April 10, 2004
Host: Ernest Zamora, Jr.
Guest: Michael “Mr. Mike” Cardenas
Intro: Sonic Adventure – Open your Heart Remix
Background Song: San Antonio Spurs Intro
End Song: San Antonio Spurs Intro


Comments: This Pre-Season, we finally had our second part of Season 1, AMV Award show, this too began to use DV computer video editing for the first time ever. This was the beginning of a new Generation for AFTV, the “Best In Season 1” video was introduced by on other than Michael “Mr. Mike” Cardenas (a local comic book artist), if you listened closely at the end of clip, Michael stepped back, and accentually stepped on his own pet dog, some of the audio can be heard.



Episode 6
[Various Anime] – Limp Bizkit – The Nookie by Hsien Lee of Kusoyaro Productions


Episode 7
[Cowboy BeBop] – Weird Al – Living in the Fridge by Some Stupid Guy with Nothing Better to DO


Episode 8
[Inuyasha] – Barenaked Ladies – Falling For the First Time by Anime Dawn Productions


Episode 9
[Dragon Ball Z] – Disturbed – Down with The Sickness by Son_Gohan (onDalnet)


Episode 10
[Trigun] – Sarah Brightman – Eden by Hakura

