Saturday, July 8, 2006

As you may notice we are on our Backup Angelfire sever so Not everything may be working.

But there is some great news!

Public access is back, yes thats right, along with it, so is ANIME FUN TV! Believe it or not were on at the same time as last year! Thursday nights at 11:00p.m. However there is some bad and good news…

Good news.

Anime Fun TV is now Digital (lol like you didn’t already know that) we are now on a Digital Digital package, Digital channel 20.

Bad News

Not everyone will be able to see AFTV, people who are on the basic T.W.C. (Time Warner Cable) TV package will not have access to channel 20 since that channel, you will have to upgrade to T.W.C’s basic Digital package to view the new channel.

In other good news..

Recently i received a call from CBL Data Recovery, informing me that all the data that was in the drive that crash has been recovered!

The bad news…

We now owe close to $2,000 for all the labor, parts, and recovery of the files. This is were we need help. CBL Data Recovery Technologies Inc. Quotation

Please help us out and donate all proceeds will go directly do the drive, everyone even the cast and crew is helping to get brand new episodes

You can donate by PayPal, could donate any amount, and out of my heart I thank everyone who dose, we greatly appreciate it.

That’s it for now. Thank You.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Hello everyone, I would like to start off by saying we had a blast at O-Conn, meet some great people and fans there, the entire crew was on hand for the first time in a convention lol, hopefully it’ll be like that at Oni-Con 3. On a side note, Alfred, our Director of Public Relations; will be leaving us soon, he plans on moving to Arkansas later on this month, we will surly miss him, even though he is not leaving the crew, having him in Austin is much closer than Arkansas lol. We hope to see him at Oni-Con 3 later this year.

Now for the biggest update in a while, as you all know our hard drive containing all of our source files and new prototypes of new episodes crashed late last year, just before Oni-Con 2, and the first company I sent to was not able to retrieve any files, so I have had the drive sent back to me, and now its at the hands of a recommended data recovery facility by Western Digital; the turn-around was swift with a complete analysis of what’s wrong with the Drive.

In order to repair the drive and begin the recovery of the data will cost an estimated $2,150.00, this is truly expensive. I do not have the money to repair this drive, I told the crew if we cannot afford or even get that data back, it will be THE END of Anime Fun TV; reason why? One of the biggest reasons, is this drive contained almost the entire library of AMV’s and Adobe Premiere files needed for the show, including our logo, show templates, and even our DVD Covers for the show, meaning we cannot make anymore DVD’s of the show for you enjoy. This also includes limited personal files.

We deeply need everyone’s help in this, I am in a total bind to either keep the show going, or just let drop; It will be up to you, the fans, to decide.

Please help us by donating; we honestly need the funds to repair this drive. If not, I have not other choice but to finally hang my hat on this project.

I have the quotation online for everyone to see this is not a joke, but a reality.

CBL Data Recovery Technologies Inc. Quotation

You may help donate to this cause by PayPal, you may donate any amount, and out of my heart I thank everyone who dose, we greatly appreciate it.


Monday, March 13, 2006

Minor Update March 20, 2006

Once again I’m sorry for the lack of updates, however things are just moving in fast forward right now as we prepare to bring back Public Access to San Antonio. The City of San Antonio is now accepting DVD’s from public access producers so were in the process of getting our MiniDV’s into DVD which isn’t much of a real deal, just time consuming.

As most of you should being to know, there is a new Anime Convention coming to San Antonio, San Japan is the name. It’s coming next year, July 13th-15th 2007, at The Holiday Inn Select, 77 NE Loop 410, San Antonio, Texas 78216. The website is,


Minor Update March 20, 2006

One other con that’s coming sooner, here in San Antonio that i forgot to mention is O-Conn, It’s a one-day con in Helotes, TX, just northwest of San Antonio, outside of 1604. I will be held on Saturday April 22, 2006

12pm – 8pm. We will be there to help support this local con, we would like everyone to attend. there website is

Also Oni-Con is coming up this fall were also preparing to go, and air some footage of the Oni-Con 2004 DVD, its going to be in Houston TX as usual, October 20th-22nd 2006, at the George R. Brown Convention Center, 1001 Avenida de las Americas, Houston Tx 77010. The website

Jesse Lopez, President of Show-Operations; and Mari Melendez, our new Chief Editor, have made two new Groups for those in MySpace, Yahoo!.

For those in My Space, the link is

And those in Yahoo!, the link is

Jesse, President of Show Operations, and Mari, our new Chief Executive Editor; have began doing polls for the Video Game Awards, there is no time limit yet as when there going to close, so go vote, the polls are located in the Yahoo! Group.

Thats it for now. Laterz!


Thursday, February 9, 2006

Sorry for the lack of updates, but there been some BIG developments in the weeks so here we go. We have good news from the City of San Antonio, has approved funding for the playback system for public access, so the system will be installed in the weeks ahead, however they will more than likely be only submitting pre-produced tapes (ex. tapes ready to be aired) and were basically all set however we still have one problem.

Our hard drive that held all the new episodes crashed on us like I expanded in previous updates. So, I have some good news on that as well, the parts needed to at least ‘repair’ the hard drive have been found and will be installed, however, that’s only half the problem, they still have to see if the data is still viable to be saved. So were waiting to see what happens. Hopefully if the data on the crashed hard drive is saved, I have plans to Re-make Season 1 and 2.

Now for the BIGGEST news. THERE IS AN ANIME CON COMING TO SAN ANTONIO!!! OMFG!!!! More news on this later =P

And last but not least, we have several projects that are not really obtained to the TV; Chris ‘SeiferA’ Gloria, has began working on a sprite web comic for all you internet junkies out there =P check it out, it’s in our message board. Quick Link Here.


Monday, January 9, 2006

Well, I hope everyone has had a great Christmas and new years, I know I didn’t lol, anyway, Public access hasn’t been taken by Time Warner Cable…. Yet, there is another city council meeting this Thursday, January 12th. We would like to encourage any fans of the show to try and make it; you can call me for further info (210) 535-6688.

We have several projects that are not really obtained to the TV; Chris ‘SeiferA’ Gloria, has began working on a sprite web comic for all you internet junkies out there =P check it out, it’s in our message board. Quick Link Here.

There is also good news on the older Seasons, Season’s 1 & 2, now that Time Warner is no longer in the public access, that means we can now offer those seasons, my plan is to have them available Online since there are primitive videos anyway XD. So keep checking back for more updates!


Monday, December 19, 2005

Just a reminder, weather or not we keep public access on the air, AFTV will not air for a while until things have settled, Please be reminded, Our last show will be December 29, 2005 and it will be Season 4’s Season ender to be fitting, Let everyone know that its our last show at the meantime until things have settled with the public access issue, if you would look up about the issue, click Here, Also I wanna give a very, very, special thanks to Dennis Guerrero, my coordinator from Time Warner cable studio, without him, the show could have been more censored, so many thanks to him, I wish him the best of luck after the new year. Thank you Dennis!


Thursday, November 10, 2005

If you did not see the announcement about future episodes, please CLICK HERE and read up on our dilemma.

Also, we have our entire photo’s uploaded and ready for everyone’s viewing horror show! XD Click Here to View

Also, we will begin re-running Season 3, with some small editing to the old website address XD, Also, if there are certain episodes Ya’ll would like to see, Now is the time!! WE ARE TAKING REQUESTS!!!! Now, now, they are only for Season’s 3 and 4, previous Seasons do not count… Yet. So just send us an Email and request your show!


Thursday, October 27, 2005

AFTV Announcement:

Dear viewers of the show, we greatly appreciate that you watch and submit Videos to the show, we couldn’t have gone this far with out ya’ll support. As you know we are busy working on the new Season for AFTV, but the unthinkable happened, the hard drive that supplied all the videos and contents of the new and previous seasons crashed and we have tried everything in our power to try and retrieve the files. However we could not, the hard drive will have to be sent out to professionals to retrieve the lost files within the drive. This means that the new episodes of Anime Fun TV will be postponed until further notice. We deeply regret to inform you all of this, we will begin airing the past Season 3 once the re-runs of Season 4 end.

If you wish to help, you can help donate to the show for the repairs, just click on the bottom button in our main page.

Thank you,

Ernest Zamora, Jr

Producer-Anime Fun TV

P.S. Oni-Con was a BLAST! We have plenty of photos to upload later.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Its that time again, were getting ready to head to Houston in October, I know its about 3 months away, but its always to be ready ahead of time, instead of rushing in the last minute, we got some stuff planned out for Oni-Con, but I cant release any of them yet till there finalized, Ya’ll should go, it was a sweet blast last time, and of course we’ll be there as well, along with most of the crew.


Thursday, June 30, 2005

Well Various things are happening behind the scenes, were brain storming on what would be nice to see on TV. However to keep things secret none of them will be reveled until it’s in production. If you have any Ideas you would like to submit, feel free and contact us, with an idea or anything else.
