Justin.TV stream tonight @11:30

In our quest of live streaming testing, tonight we are gonna have a live stream on Justin.TV We should be starting at about 11:30-50ish so please pardon us if we are late, We should have a guest over (I think, lol) so Just join us again!


uStream tonight starting at about 11:45ish lol



Join us in a Live Webcast – Saturday

Join us for a live uStream webcast this Saturday, April 3rd 2010, at approx. 11:30pm right after our Public Access show.

We will happy answer any questions/topics you may have, you may send us an email at AnimeFunTV@Me.com

Hope to see ya’ll there.


Spike & Mike’s S&T Festival of Animation

Anime Fun TV would like to welcome to San Japan :3..

The people who brought ‘Dr. Tran’ & ‘Happy Tree Friends’ to the limelight…

being held on July 9th-11th 2010





Hey everyone!

After some relaxing time its back to work, I’m currently working on some new episodes, The currently the line up looks like this.

  1. 4 part series of the cast and crew (shot back in 2004-05ish)
  2. 4 part series of San Japan 2.x AMV showcase
  3. 2-3 part series of Oni-Con 2008-09

And yes we are still in Pre-Season 5.

Also, this year we will also be again hosting the AMV contest for San Japan :3. Online submissions are already live and running so submit your AMV’s just make sure you follow the rules for the contest. Online Rules & Submission Form

I also updated the episode guide for the current airing of some shows.


Ikkicon – Final Report

I forgot to mention in the last update…. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

lol, anyway Ikkicon was a blast we had a great time, the AMV contest was also good, we had low amount of submissions, I was still able to put on one heck of a show. Thank You to all the participants of the Ikkicon AMV contest

First off I wanna give thank to Jason who suggested I do the AMV contest for Ikkicon, also a big help to my crew, Mike and Chris. Also a big thank to Proz for letting me use some of his equipment. Kaylyn for helping us at our first AMV panel. Last but not least, all the staff and crew at Ikkicon who help me out at the last minute. Without ya’ll guys help we couldn’t be able to put on the show. Thank you ALL!

So whats next for 2010? New episodes for sure, also San Japan :3 is coming up in a few months we are starting to get ready for that as well. So keep checking up on the site for any news and such. Podcasts, I’m still having some issues with that so I hope we’ll get that done soon.

Again thank you all.


IKKiCON IV (2009) – AMV Contest Results

Fast Action

1st. Dissidia: Final Fantasy – Nightwish – Amaranth – Ariel ‘Kuinnu’

2nd. Soul Eater – Linkin Park – Bleed It out – Marke Standoak


1st. Various Anime – Echo Image – Will You Know – Jessica Briseno

2nd. Final Fantasy IX – Owl City – Vanilla Twilight – Jessica M Hodges

3rd. Higurashz No Naku Koro Ni – Portishead – All Mine – Corey Smith


1st. Various Anime – Lady Gaga – Big Girl – Moochi


Reporting Live from Ikkicon in Austin TX For those of you who are submitting AMV’s for the AMV contest, I have extended the submission deadline till 8:00pm Tonight. We are located on the 6th Floor right next to the San Japan Booth, in-front of the Dealers Room entrance.


Site Running again

I finally got the site to work the way I need it to, hopefully we wont se any down time during Ikkicon.


Site Down Time

There is gonna be some downtime of the site, I’m currently working on some things, I might, or might not update at Ikkicon if I can’t get the site up and running in time.

I also on Friday, Jan 1st 2010 at Ikkicon we will have our first AMV panel, appropriately named ‘The Do’s and Don’ts of AMV’s’ I will be held after our 5:00pm AMV Submission Deadline, Check Ikkicon’s schedule for an exact time.
