Thursday, June 19, 2003

Well I finally got back from vacation ^^ its was a long but awesome week, got some intros done for the second season, talking about the second season, there will be a new intro for it. Also after some research around the net and stuff, i have come to a conclusion that this TV show is the ONLY one airing AMV’s and Anime, so I’m please to so say and I’m gonna start saying it to, is, THIS IS THE ONLY SHOW IN AMERICA THAT’S DEDICATED 24/7 TO ANIME!!! WHOOOO!!!

Beat that Cartoon Network!


I have a new goal for this show, and i have been passing this around with some of the fans of the show, is that everyone of them would like to see this show become a network and air un-cut and un-censored anime 24/7 as one fan put it… “Its every anime fan’s wet dream” lol
