New San Japan poll & Website Bandwidth

There is a new San-Japan 2.x Poll, this time we would like to know what you are looking forward to this year at San Japan.

Remember San-Japan 2.x is going to be this month, August 14-16, 2009 at San Antonio Municipal Auditorium & Holiday Inn El Tropicano.

Also, It seems like we are getting a lot more visits to the site and people downloading the podcast. Its not a bad thing at all, unless the bandwidth usage is near its cap. lol

For the month of July we used 182.16 GB out of our 200GB cap; already for the month of August we are at 25.75 GB of 200GB. This is the biggest amount of traffic we have ever seen.

Now, I’m not discouraging people not to download the podcast. As a matter of fact, I plan to add more podcasts. Soon, though we will reach our cap, if you see the site down. You’ll know why already. I do plan to purchase more bandwidth. However I don’t know when.
