Category: News

AnimeFunTV & UltraSonic Entertainment News or Important Updates

Happy New Year!

Yeah, we know, it’s been already about a month lol. Anyway, we are slowly gearing up for our 20th Anniversary with a big announcement as well. We like to thank all of ya’ll for sticking around. We hope to share some projects, insights, rare footage, and stories both on television and online.

PonyFunTV & AFTV Season 5, now available on Rumble & Odysee!

We now have all episodes of PonyFunTV and AFTV Season 5 on Rumble & Odysee Channels! Be sure to subscribe for more upcoming updates and episodes!

Classic AFTV Shows now on Rumble & Odysee! +More to Follow!

We have new channels on Rumble and Odysee featuring classic Season 1 through Season 2, with more to follow! So be sure to Sub!

AnimeFunTV’s 20th Anniversary – Coming soon!

2003-2023 Twenty years!? Man, that’s nuts. We are prepping for some special shows and a whole lot of content to be shown. Some from the archives and some new fresh content. We also plan on expanding to other platforms such as Rumble and Odysee for more on-demand episodes for both Classic episodes and new episodes. …

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Hey, Happy New Year! +Live stream

We made it through another year, I know we wanted to do something for 2021 but we have not been able too, BUT! We did manage to do a gaming live stream with Alfredo and myself playing one of the most underrated fighting games on the Sega Dreamcast. Power Stone by Capcom. This impromptu video …

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We ain’t dead yet.

COVID still continues to be a problem for many. Thankfully our crew has been safe and healthy through this pandemic. We are always thinking of you, our supporters and fans of AFTV. We still have plenty of content to share on the show, so please bear with us. In the meantime, check out some of …

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Happy New Year!

2020 has been one hellish year. Let’s hope that 2021 we can get back to doing things for the show. We are really eager to get back in the studio and create some more content for you guys.

Watch Classic AFTV Season 1, Pre-Season 2 & Season 2 Now on!

Yes, that’s right! You can now watch, free of charge, some Classic Episodes of AnimeFunTV! This includesSeason 1, Pre-Season 2, and Season 2 right on! I had recently re-captured the original VHS tapes and edited them for widescreen. Have fun watching some classics! We hope to have more classic episodes available in the future!

AnimeFunTV Website now live!

We are still making small adjustments but the site is now Live! We hope you guys like it! moving. Downtime ETA several weeks.

We will be moving hosting servers in the next few days, after which the website will get a complete site overhaul which should be completed in a few weeks, maybe sooner. Please follow our Twitter or Facebook Page for further updates when the site is down for construction.