Category: News

AnimeFunTV & UltraSonic Entertainment News or Important Updates

Filming begins for Season 5, AFTV’s Season 4 Awards Show coming, & Pre-Season 5 Episode 1 found.

AFTV Season 4 Award show has been filmed and all I can say is “wow” you guys really voted on some of the most odd AMV’s, but thats what you guys voted on back in 2005! XD Those episodes should be on air in about several weeks. AFTV Season 5 will begin filming in two …

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AnimeFunTV on to something new.

If you think we have been quiet since our last update. Well, we have been slowly working on a foundation for a new project, not just for AnimeFunTV, but for San Antonio as well. Keep tuned.

Site is back up!

Site is back up now. Will still be testing a few things but everything seems to be working now.

St. Philip’s Anime Club @ BubbleHead Tea, Anime Event – Tonight

We will be at BubbleHead Tea for about an hour or so for the St. Philip’s Anime Club Episode 07. Link -> Starts at 7:00pm, located at 1035 S. Presa, San Antonio, TX 78210. Just south of downtown. Watch anime, drink some tea, or even smoke some hooka. Pick your poison. XD

Public Access & Why it is the way it is today – Part 2

In December of 2005 after the city managers report about Public Access, several people got to chance to speak about the issue. Taking that chance was Chris, Jesse, and myself to openly speak about how public access has helped us and San Antonio.

Public Access & Why it is the way it is today.

In December of 2005 the state of Texas issued a law that all city mandated franchise agreements would now be handled by the state of Texas. This meant that any previous contract agreements by city’s or other municipalities can no longer be made after January 1st 2006.  In most of these agreements, if not all …

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Ikkicon V – AMV Contest & Showcase ending credits

In December 2010 we helped with Ikkicon’s AMV Contest. At the end of the show we aired a custom ending credits announcing the winners and respected honorable mentions. At the end of the credits we had a special video announced by Steve Jobs.

Welcome to the new AnimeFunTV Website.

Greetings everyone, Welcome to the new AFTV website! I certainly hope things are much more easier to find and also a lot more easy to share with friends on social networks. The biggest surprise is that starting from Pre-Season 5, Episode 5, to Episode 25, is that the shows are now online! Just go to …

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Plans for official opening of the new AnimeFunTV website.

Until further notice the AFTV website will be up and down as I make the final touches to the site. The full site will debut Saturday, March 31st during Mizuumi-Con. I will have some nice surprises come during the debut.

AnimeFunTV to be at Mizuumi-Con at OLLU

We will be at Mizuumi-Con at Our Lady of the Lake University this coming Saturday showing off some of the best AMV’s we have from our past season’s and past AMV Contests we hosted.