Ernest Zamora Jr

Creator & Producer of AnimeFunTV

Author's posts

Work in Progress

Hey All, The site is still a work in progress, if your keeping track, you’ll see things come and go, but things will slowly show up permanently.  So stay tuned. Also we also have a new comment system set up for our News & Updates, feel free to add a comment, plus if you see …

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New Website… Sort of

Hey Everyone, As you all know, the website is down, including the podcasts, I have gotten allot of complaints about how big and how long it takes to download a episode. Let me explain what’s going on, right now I’m using a high-end Mac Mini as the server; yes, you can make a Mac Mini …

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Hey Everyone

As you may know, The site is down, so are the podcasts.  I’m currently working on a revamp of the main site, and re-encoding the podcasts to make the downloads, download more quickly, currently it takes close to 2-3 hours just to download a episode. -Ernest

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hey guys, Just a quick update, as you should already know due to hurricane Ike, Oni-Con, which was scheduled for November, has now been moved to December 19-21, 2008 Thats it for tonight, laterz! -Ernest

Friday, September 5, 2008

Hey everyone! As you all know, new show are airing already, but since the City of S.A. doesn’t like airing different episode each week, where mostly suck with a new episode every month. Anyway! Tomorrow we’ll be attending Realms Con, from about 10am-ish, to 2pm-ish, we wont have a table or anything, but we’ll be …

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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Good News!! New Episodes coming!!! Thats right, the finale to Oni-Con 2005 is coming! I was able to get the two missing episodes re-done, in-time to submit them to the city on this monday! Get excited people!!! Also just in time for some national anime conventions such as Realms Con, and especially Oni-Con. Speaking of …

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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Welcome again folks, sorry again for the lack of updates, its kind of hard doing several things at the same time, I know most of you want new episodes but just be patient with me, i have new shows however some how I lost 2 of the new dvd’s of the new show, either there …

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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Hey guys, as you all know, the new shows have come and gone, there still more on the way, I have 3 more ready to go but they prolly wont show up till later in July. Thats it! See ya! -Ernest

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Hey, Sorry again for the lack of updates, recently one of my other hard drives crashed and everything for the website was in it; so I’m in need of more funds. Any-who! New episode for the month of May. Enjoy! Thats it! See ya! -Ernest

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hey everyone! I would like to first thank everyone who attended O-Conn this past Saturday! It was awesome, and they had a great attendance! In the meantime new show for this month, this time of Oni-Con 2005. Thats it! See ya! -Ernest